Up Coming Event!! 100 Year Celebration of The Epworth Fire Deparment
By Lieutenant Dave Theisen
June 27, 2011

The Epworth Fire Department is proud to announce that it will be Celebrating 100 years of service on Saturday July 16th, 2011. We ask you to keep this date reserved and come celebrate with the City of Epworth. There will be many activities through out the day. Listed below are just a few to get us started.

-Parade of many area Fire Trucks & other eye attracting classics
-Shuttle Trolly Rides
-Live Music
-Waterball Men's & Women's
-Food & Beverage Stands
-Scheduled Entertainers on Staged Areas
-Bingo, air conditioned
-Silent Auctions
-Bean Bag Tournaments
-Kid's Events

9:00 Parade Line Up
10:30 Parade
12:00 Flag Raising Ceremony
American Legion Post 650 Honor Guard
Classic Car Show
Food Stand, Refreshments, Vendors
Silent Auction Opens
1:00 Waterball Starts
LT Amusements

Entertainment Stage
12:30 Lemon Sisters
1:30 Western Dubuque Varsity Dance Team
2:00 Woody Gloeckner
3:00 Epworth Tae Kwon Do Karate Demonstration
4:00 Mississippi Band with Trouble City Band
7:30 Dogs On Skis / Mobile Moosic

If you wish to donate, make or buy something special for the Silent Auction, now is maybe the time to start thinking about this & get it on the list with the Department. All items are welcome and all items count very much.

Any other suggestions or ideas of FUN events you may have for this day are appreciated to make this a huge success. Also many extra Volunteers will be in NEED as the day goes along for parking & other support items for the many events listed. Please contact someone from the EFD staff & lend a hand, it will definately not go without notice. Great to see the community come together to make this as exicting as it can be. Many hands makes light work & there will be fun to be had for all.

Please forward this GOOD news and Date, July 16, 2011, to all Family and Friends, by Email, Text Message or Word of Mouth. News can travel very fast as we all know. Make sure to keep checking back to the Web Site for many more updates as they become available.

Thank you for your continuous support,
Staff of the Epworth Fire Department.